The 37th All British Field Meet in Vancouver was held at the Van Dusen Botanical Gardens on May 18th 2024.  It was a bit gloomy in the morning but the sun came out later on. The show was well attended, with three marques being featured. Triumph Cars and Motorcycles, Sunbeam Tiger and modified British cars.

There was a vendors Alley with many Automotive businesses hawking their wares and a big selection of modified and beefy little Brit cars touting lots of extra power, and of course a few British cars with batteries instead of real engines. The future is here.

With almost 500 plus cars, trucks and motorcycles in 62 different classes on hand, it was a far cry from the first All British meet held at Van Dusen with 25 British cars. The present promoters of the show, Patrick and Joan Stewart, got the show when they bought the first Promoter’s  Newsletter and turned it into the great publication, Western Driver. The magazine Western Driver ran for years, before the Internet took away the print version.

This years show had cars from Alberta, Saskatchewan, Washington, Oregon, California and even some Healeys from Ontario. The Big Healey Meet was taking place the next week on Vancouver Island, so that was lucky as many of them came to the show.
There was live entertainment  with the Little Mountain Brass Band and the pop group Definitely Not The Beatles. For the die-Hard Brits, there was High Tea served at the Van Dusen Carriage Trade Tea House.

  One fellow from Surrey BC brought a dozen Minis that he owns. The end of the shows always finds him scrambling to assemble them all in a row for a group portrait, and just like many, he will be back next year!!!

The 2025 Show will take place May 17, 2025